Pole Art -workshopit ovat nyt myynnissä Pole4Fitin sivuilla sekä Oonan studiolla Gymillä! Alla tarkemmat tiedot:
During the Pole Art weekend workshops and master classes will be held with the following finalists:
Edouard Doyé
Michelle Stanek
Oona Kivelä
Sunday 23.10.2011
Pole Art workshops at Pole4Fit
10-11:30 Intermediate - Edouard Doyé
12-13:30 Intermediate - Michelle Stanek
14-15:30 Master class - Edouard Doyé
16-17:30 Advanced - Michelle Stanek
18-19:30 Advanced - Edouard Doyé
Venue: Pole4Fit, Helsinki
Price: 60 € / class, 30 € audit student; 55 € / 25 € for members of Pole4Fit
Poles: paint-coated, static
Maximum number of students per class: 15
Maximum number of audit students per class: 10
Booking: Please make your booking by the online booking system at Pole4Fit's website starting 15 August.
Payment methods: PayPal and bank transfer invoices will be sent to you within two weeks after you have made your booking.
PowerPole classes with Oona Kivelä
Venue: GymiKamppi, Sähkötalo, Helsinki.
10:00 Level 1
11:00 Level 2
12:00 Level 3
Price: 39 €
Please book directly with Oona at info.kamppi@gymi.fi.