| Tankotanssia eri medioissa | |
+107Goldie neitinopsa Olgimax downthepole Elegia eika miumiu Cayanne Razz ingrid Lelina SilverJo SusannaR Saila Lotta. sonjis Henrietta Tsudy nekuliini hemuliini nasu Johanna siru Sanna iisa hansi pujaka_ hairi Superspin tiko pippaliini Em Kay Eeva Lissuwursti OonaK aidu Friidu sereket vive1 Nounours Tazze nita Mappari Rosal Marianne nimma Ewy Esteria Riuku elisa bettie npeltoni karti Tea Dahlia D. Soila Marie vesi LaraK Samira Iiris johrunna Sonja pikkukissa angela tasuni tankomau Sinna Assi sluippa Tupuna FemmeFatale Jenni Foxmagon paiviku Hennu/Henriikka JJeenny Mortianna maimiau wilmiina celya -Hanna- Sanni merqus vilionkka jossukka ladyluck papaija jiji Ish sarppa Nenna eledra Henna.C Kati Kat Da Ninni Cherrie Miia AdminSusie Ashta kajakki annukka Iina Nanna H. Nina Nane 111 posters |
Kirjoittaja | Viesti |
Ish Superman
Viestien lukumäärä : 2611 Location : SEINÄJOKI Registration date : 10.11.2008
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maimiau hangin in pole with one leg only
Viestien lukumäärä : 400 Ikä : 35 Location : Tammela, Tre. Registration date : 13.06.2009
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa Pe Kesä 11, 2010 8:21 am | |
| parasta miusta oli se käsittämätön luottamuksen määrä, mikä tosta esityksestä huokuu. ihana ryhmä | |
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Marie hangin in pole with one leg only
Viestien lukumäärä : 301 Ikä : 38 Location : Toijala Registration date : 28.04.2009
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa Pe Kesä 11, 2010 7:08 pm | |
| Heh mä kans tankoilen usein alusvaatteilla jos en kuvaa.. tosin siin on sit omat vaaransa, varsinki jos sattuu olee stringit.. nim. palo jälki pakaroiden välissä (superman luisusta) | |
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Mortianna Superman
Viestien lukumäärä : 1498 Ikä : 35 Location : Hellsinki Registration date : 28.07.2009
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa Su Kesä 13, 2010 8:01 pm | |
| ^ Haha! Mä tankoilen alusvaatteilla, vaikka kuvaisinkin. Nykyään yritän vähän säädyllisemmin pukeutua. Vanhassa kämpässä vaan oli niin kuuma! | |
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jossukka hangin in pole with one leg only
Viestien lukumäärä : 283 Ikä : 38 Location : Helsinki Registration date : 14.03.2009
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa Ti Kesä 15, 2010 9:24 am | |
| Oh yes, hyvä video. Mä rakastan plattareita sekä tankotanssissa että muuallakin, varsinkin jos niillä osaa kävellä/tanssia hyvin. Ja en kyllä voi kieltää pitäväni myös pitsialusvaatteista! Ja säärystimistä.. Musta balettitossut taas näyttää kauheilta tangolla, mutta footundeezit on söpöt, esim. ne Miian lepardi-kuvioiset | |
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Miia Superman
Viestien lukumäärä : 1145 Ikä : 37 Location : Lahti Registration date : 07.12.2007
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa Ti Kesä 15, 2010 9:28 am | |
| Mun kissantassut, miau | |
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Em Kay Superman
Viestien lukumäärä : 868 Ikä : 43 Registration date : 30.10.2009
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa Ke Kesä 16, 2010 1:28 pm | |
| Brooke knows best -sarjassa oli jakso, joka keskittyi lähes täysin tankotanssiin. Suht. asiallisesti käsitelty, kutsuttiin lajia "pole-aerobics" ja "pole-fitness" sanoilla, mutta suomennetussa tekstissä lukee "strippitanssi". Näin meillä Suomessa.
http://www.vh1.com/video/brooke-knows-best/full-episodes/full-episode-9/1594707/playlist.jhtml | |
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tasuni Superman
Viestien lukumäärä : 1994 Ikä : 51 Location : Helsinki Registration date : 07.12.2007
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa Ke Kesä 16, 2010 2:40 pm | |
| Mahtava toi aussitalenttivideo. Ja luu kurkkuun kaikille jotka väittää ettei stagella saa pystyyn kunnon esitystä! Nimimerkki "ens vuoden PoleVibes stagella - tai kahdella " | |
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Nina hangin in pole with one leg only
Viestien lukumäärä : 422 Ikä : 37 Location : Järvenpää Registration date : 17.03.2008
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa Ke Kesä 16, 2010 2:56 pm | |
| - tasuni kirjoitti:
Nimimerkki "ens vuoden PoleVibes stagella - tai kahdella " Eieieieiei! No joo, totta puhuakseni oon alkanut suhtautumaan stageen myönteisemmin viime aikoina... | |
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tasuni Superman
Viestien lukumäärä : 1994 Ikä : 51 Location : Helsinki Registration date : 07.12.2007
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa Ke Kesä 16, 2010 2:59 pm | |
| No musta se hyppy stagelta toiselle oli mahtava, samoin se spagaatti stagelta toiselle! Spagaattilaskeutumisetkin onnistui vallan mainiosti, ja juontajaan verrattuna nää naiset vaikutti varsin pitkiltäkin. Korkeutta sais tietty olla stagessa enemmän, mutta näinkin pitkät naiset pärjäs vielä kolme samalla tangolla. Me voitas viel kiinnittää nuora tolpalta toiselle niin sitäkin pitkin vois sitten kulkee . | |
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Nina hangin in pole with one leg only
Viestien lukumäärä : 422 Ikä : 37 Location : Järvenpää Registration date : 17.03.2008
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa Ke Kesä 16, 2010 7:21 pm | |
| Joo nuora peliin vaan, niin jos sitten päästäs tästä stripparin leimasta | |
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Iina Superman
Viestien lukumäärä : 2793 Ikä : 40 Location : Tampere Registration date : 05.12.2007
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa To Kesä 17, 2010 11:02 am | |
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tasuni Superman
Viestien lukumäärä : 1994 Ikä : 51 Location : Helsinki Registration date : 07.12.2007
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa To Kesä 17, 2010 11:18 am | |
| Juttu Pole Artista Radio Free Asian sivuilla. Tuulan kauniit kuvat mukana ja juttu tosi pitkä - mutta vietnamiksi! Hivenen hirvittää kun siellä on selvästi jotain lainauksia multa, mutta ei mitään käsitystä, mitä tarkoittaa!! http://www.rfa.org/vietnamese/programs/OneStoryaWeek/Will-Vietnamese-people-accept-pole-dance-as-an-art-Vha-06162010122828.html Juttu on myös luettu ääneen, ja siellä on joitain pätkiä suoraan nauhoitettu mun puhelinhaastattelusta, samoin kuin Trangin. Ne on varmaan ne samat jotka lukee tekstissä suoraan. Apua, en tiennyt että mun puheet tulis sellaisinaan ulos, enkä tiennyt että kuulostan täsmälleen samalta kuin Sonja !! | |
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Sanni hangin in pole with one leg only
Viestien lukumäärä : 440 Location : Kerava Registration date : 17.01.2008
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa To Kesä 17, 2010 11:19 am | |
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Sonja hangin in pole with one leg only
Viestien lukumäärä : 430 Registration date : 24.06.2008
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa To Kesä 17, 2010 12:19 pm | |
| - tasuni kirjoitti:
- enkä tiennyt että kuulostan täsmälleen samalta kuin Sonja !!
No niinpä kuulostit, ainakin ekassa pätkässä! Et sä kyllä mun mielestä yleensä kuulosta tolta, eikä me samalta. Toisaalta, jos sun puolisokin on erehtynyt meistä puhelimessa, niin ehkä me sitten kuulostetaan samalta.... | |
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tasuni Superman
Viestien lukumäärä : 1994 Ikä : 51 Location : Helsinki Registration date : 07.12.2007
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa To Kesä 17, 2010 12:26 pm | |
| Sä kuulostat puhelimessa ihan tolta miltä mä kuulostin haastattelussa. Eli meidän puhelinäänet on ihan samat. Mun päässä kuulostaa kyllä ihan eriltä! | |
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Sonja hangin in pole with one leg only
Viestien lukumäärä : 430 Registration date : 24.06.2008
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa To Kesä 17, 2010 12:27 pm | |
| Niin munkin päässä, tosin joskus kuulen häivähdyksen tosta hirvittävästä puhelinäänestä. | |
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tasuni Superman
Viestien lukumäärä : 1994 Ikä : 51 Location : Helsinki Registration date : 07.12.2007
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa To Kesä 17, 2010 12:28 pm | |
| Kuka sanoi että se on hirvittävä?? Siis sun ääni, joka = mun ääni? Siis mun ääni on hirvittävä ? | |
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Ewy Superman
Viestien lukumäärä : 965 Ikä : 36 Location : Järvenpää Registration date : 24.09.2009
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa To Kesä 17, 2010 12:29 pm | |
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Sonja hangin in pole with one leg only
Viestien lukumäärä : 430 Registration date : 24.06.2008
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa To Kesä 17, 2010 12:59 pm | |
| - tasuni kirjoitti:
- Kuka sanoi että se on hirvittävä?? Siis sun ääni, joka = mun ääni? Siis mun ääni on hirvittävä ?
Kääk, mä en osaa puhua itseäni ulos tästä....Auttakaa! *piiloutuu pöydän alle* | |
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tasuni Superman
Viestien lukumäärä : 1994 Ikä : 51 Location : Helsinki Registration date : 07.12.2007
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa To Kesä 17, 2010 1:13 pm | |
| Tämä muistetaan kun tehdään seuraavaa koreografiaa . | |
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Sonja hangin in pole with one leg only
Viestien lukumäärä : 430 Registration date : 24.06.2008
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa To Kesä 17, 2010 1:52 pm | |
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hemuliini Superman
Viestien lukumäärä : 1067 Ikä : 42 Location : Porvoo Registration date : 10.08.2009
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa To Kesä 17, 2010 1:55 pm | |
| Käytin googlen kääntäjää, ja tässä käännös enkuksi. Tietty huono käännös, mutta kyllä siitä idean saa: Each pole when it comes to dancing, one often associated with the English club called the strip club, that is, striptease, with girls wriggle around a shiny metal column.But now, perhaps a pole view of dance is slowly changing, as more and more people to study this subject and want to put it into an art form, even an official exam in the Olympics. The dance contest is held annually poles everywhere attracted many participants. Notably, this year a girl in Vietnam has registered the first international competition in a pole dance in Europe. Magazine story this week about public art and new perspectives in Vietnam mixed with dance pole. These days are the days in June this Pham Huyen Trang, Vietnam's 21-year-old girl, university student Jyvaskyla, Finland, are nervous awaiting the results of those selected in the final column called dance contest Pole Art 2010 was held in Stockholm, Sweden. Home is the first Vietnamese people enrolled in a dance contest such international pole.
Pole Art Contest 2010 by two founder Ms. Tanja Suni, dancers and columns nelle Swan Finnish, Swedish artist. This is the second time this competition was held. First held in Finland in 2009. Tanja Suni She said the competition was very new because dance art pole really is a very young art. According to Tanja, who dances professionally pole in the world she knows well just set dancing pole from about 5 to 8 years ago. However, the study of this art, Tanja said it had a fairly long history. Surprise dance pole is not derived from the club strip club in the West as people sometimes think. She said: "Dance is an actual pole arts of Asia, and as I know it comes from China, the Chinese circus troupes. Of course we also know there are other forms of dance over the pole, the symbolic start from the 80 clubs in porn, but now growing and it is not involved in sex industry. It is a dance, a form of exercise is simply to use a straight pole we see the familiar in the club strip club. "
According to Tanja is in all her performances of Chinese acrobatics, people use rubber column to perform acrobatic moves, and thus often the performer who dresses covered from head to toe. Also in the column dance, performers dance on columns made of metal so easy to slip to wear very little clothing. Tanja said that this is part of the reason that many people still regarded pole dance as erotic dance. She explained: "We use metal poles require friction between skin and pole. If you use a lot of clothes, we will be slippery on metal pole. So for safety reasons, we wear less clothes, and perhaps that is why people think pole dance related to pornography. On the other hand, some artists have used to dance salsa or samba should also easily be considered pornographic. " With a metal pole, the artists can perform actions on pole back very hard, but if you use rubber column can not do such movements.
Contests pole dance first world championships were held in 2005. In many countries around the world has been the unions, associations and regular pole dance competitions held national championship. Tanja said there are two main schools of pole dance, a tilt of the power, skill and hard movements, while the other kind of artistic inclination, fluid movements and perfect. From these two schools can be divided into many small branches and that is cause for now is a structured contest world champion common to all forms of pole dance.
To learn pole dances, learners must have the courage and patience to go along since the first beginner very painful, your skin is not used to friction on the pole, especially when you set the pole climbing or sitting on pole. If you can bear the pain as well. Tanja said: "You'll be bruised all over, then stops, and you will pass because the result is worth the price. I can not explain but all I can say with 90% who have tried it will stick with it. "
What Tanja pole dancing also explain what the page is experienced when she acquainted with this art. Page said she only knew as a child to dance through the pole on the American movie club porn. But as to Finland and is considered the first pole dance of professional dance videos on youtube about a year ago, she was really intrigued. Page said she learned about dance pole dance is when she see the pole dance on youtube about a year ago: "The first feeling is that I see very well, a good subject for health because using more power and set the whole body. Then they learn that they do have great movement. "
Summer 2009 Page attended a dance class in the city of Jyvaskyla in pole for two months. She recalls: "During last summer when they both full bruises. Tap dancing is very painful pole should have great patience to be able to maintain. I remember in grade school in the new children first, about 30 people, after a month of class and the remaining nine people to finally look like their still a child. " After you've learned the basic movements, self-page pole in the group dance. Her dance style is combined pole aerobics. To complement her pole to dance ballet set to have more commercial software. After about 10 months of training, hours Page was able to dance quite mature with more difficult moves like hand stands against the pole, or sit on the pole. Page said that after three months of dance, she found a more robust, more beautiful body by exercising regularly and are all copies. Page said she decided to go to the contest not because of 1.000 euro cash prize for the champion, but because the cause is key to learn, she wants to learn the new moves, meet people, because if compared to other candidates this contest, she also lacks experience.
She also shared: "I'm afraid is because they represent the Vietnamese so I want to win, hopefully giving people a good impression of Vietnam. I must say that those who contest this time is very professional, miss pole dance of the UK, Australia, and everyone has learned to pole dance for 4 years and won three more prize then, they have more experience. "The decision to go to school and pole dance to Page is meet the enthusiastic support of friends and especially loved her. But her parents have the cautious: "They are friends of the people support, but parents are advised him they are just trying not to be negatively affected his image."
Immediately after page of information is the first Vietnamese people dance contest registration pole posted on the international newspaper Vnexpress network, in Vietnam there have been many mixed opinions, including criticism than encouragement. Most people said that the dance movements in nature sexually pole whether intentionally or accidentally, and therefore inconsistent with the fine traditions of Vietnam. Vietnamese Anh Son Nguyen, 36, in Hanoi commented "it is inconsistent with the Vietnamese, the other children she did not care how she dances, how to jump, but the revealing, according to the model so as not to appropriate. The art form is not suitable to Vietnamese culture. "
These support the idea that this was a real art should be developed not so distorted as to understand what it is still seen in Vietnam is at the discotheque. Nguyen Thi Ha, a dancer in Ho Chi Minh City said her admiration for daring to stand out Page to receive his pole is a real dance: "I must say is very brave because it was a school student away from home that I dare stand up to say the dance pole. There is prejudice prejudice the Central sometimes very heavy, they do not know if she thinks this is right or not in school or vocational school dance is erotic. " Ha, she herself has thought about dance classes will open a pole in Vietnam but also not sure because there is no teacher professional dance pole in Vietnam, people's prejudices and attitudes around yet support from the state of this art form. According to Ms. Ha, "more students who want to learn because they view this subject as a sport, an art. But the state can not look good on it so I do not want the state has not agreed. "
Pole Art Contest 2010 is in the process dot award the first round. Tanja Suni She said each candidate submitted two video tapes for the jury to see. A tape of the technique, a tilted band of performance art. Test takers will be graded based on three criteria, is the technical difficulty of the test, performances and art. Three points of each section is equally divided, in which the idea of art is the contest to learn from artists Mariana Baum, who organized the contest dance champions France in 2009 pole. After round one, 12 people will be selected to attend the final round on September 25 in Stockholm, Sweden.
Pham Huyen Trang is still trying to practice every day, trying to learn more difficult movements while waiting for results from the organizers. Although no experience as the other test takers, she still hopes to be the next round. But she also has a desire anymore, which is bringing this art to Vietnam to disseminate it to people in one day.Jos löytyy oudosta paikasta sana Column, niin se meinaa tankoa/tankotanssia. Yritin vaihtaa jokaisen column:n tilalle sanan pole selkeyden vuoksi. Ja ainii, Google-kääntäjä käänsi myös vietnamilaisen tytön nimen Trang muotoon Page. | |
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tasuni Superman
Viestien lukumäärä : 1994 Ikä : 51 Location : Helsinki Registration date : 07.12.2007
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa To Kesä 17, 2010 2:08 pm | |
| Okei no sai tästä aika hyvän kuvan. Vaikken kyllä ikinä käyttänyt sanaa pornografia . | |
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Assi intermediate spinner
Viestien lukumäärä : 58 Ikä : 37 Registration date : 18.05.2008
| Aihe: Vs: Tankotanssia eri medioissa Ke Kesä 23, 2010 1:59 pm | |
| Moikka, NRJ:n Tuija testaa -osiossa Tuija ja Aamupoikien Anssi kokeilemassa tankotanssia. Lähetys tulee radiosta tänään klo 15:30 ja nettisivuilta löytynee videota. Terkuin, Assi | |
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| Tankotanssia eri medioissa | |